A downloadable game for Android

Enter a hilariously chaotic virtual reality world where floppy ragdolls are in peril! In "Save Mi", your mission is to save these quirky characters from blazing infernos across various locales.

NOTE: This is a VR game, and as such, requires a VR headset to be played. The most compatible VR headset for this game is the Meta Quest 2. However, other VR headsets may also work

😂 Comical Graphics & Mechanics: Watch in amusement as ragdolls flail, flop, and tumble with exaggerated physics. Their over-the-top reactions paired with uproarious visuals ensure non-stop laughter.

🎵 Whimsical Tunes & SFX: Let the game's slapstick melodies guide you through each level, punctuated by comedic sound effects that perfectly match the ragdolls' zany antics.

💥 Destructive Delight: Feel the satisfaction as a majority of objects crumble, smash, and explode! Your path to saving ragdolls might be paved with destruction, but hey, all's fair in love and rescue missions.

Dive into this lively VR adventure that's filled to the brim with mayhem, chuckles, and absolute pandemonium. Strap on your headset, and get ready to save the day... one ragdoll at a time!

Credits: Made at the National High School Game Academy with Team 8

Braden Ou - Producer, Sound Designer, Programmer

David Gao - Programmer

Grace Lu - Programmer

Michelle Lin - Artist

Meredith Clopper - Artist


SaveMiFinalBuild.apk 70 MB

Install instructions

Download and Install Instructions for Save Mi APK:

1. Downloading the APK:

  • Click the "Download" button on this page to start downloading the SaveMiFinalBuild.apk file.
  • Save the file to a location you can easily access, like your computer's Downloads folder.

2. Transfer the APK to Your VR Device:

  • Connect your VR device to your computer using a USB cable.
  • In the VR headset, you may receive a prompt asking for permission to allow data access. Accept this request.
  • On your computer, locate the downloaded SaveMiFinalBuild.apk file.
  • Drag and drop (or copy and paste) the APK file into your VR device's internal storage.

3. Enable Installation from Unknown Sources: (This step is typically required for Oculus devices like Oculus Quest or Quest 2. Adjust based on your target device.)

  • On your VR device, navigate to Settings.
  • Go to Device and find an option that says “Install Unknown Apps”.
  • Find and select the file manager app you'll use to open the APK (e.g., "Oculus TV" or any sideloading app you recommend).
  • Turn on the toggle to “Allow installing unknown apps”.

4. Install the APK on Your VR Device:

  • Using a file manager or sideloading app in your VR headset (e.g., "SideQuest", "Oculus TV"), navigate to the location where you transferred the SaveMiFinalBuild.apk file.
  • Click on the APK file to begin the installation process. Follow the prompts.
  • Once installation is complete, you should see Save Mi in your VR device's app library.

5. Play and Enjoy!

  • Put on your VR headset and navigate to your app library.
  • Locate and select Save Mi to launch the game.
  • Enjoy the immersive experience!


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Nice work. I liked the art work in the first level plus the items and film posters in the second. Are there only two levels? 

At the end of the first level there are left and right boxed to retry and continue but after the second, just one and that returns to the start menu.

As the exit is behind you on the first level I didn't notice it on my first play. It could be placed so it is more obvious?

Also I put the axe on the bed and couldn't pick it up again as the bed kept moving away as I approached it.

On my second play of the second level, the ragdolls stopped shouting. You just hear the fire.